In 4 years my plan is to move with my family into a small cabin, less than 600 square feet and own only 100 items. Enjoy each and every single day with simple joys! ~Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, September 2, 2010


A friend of ours is a real estate agent, so I asked him what the going price is for one acre of property (without a house) in the County we currently live in....he said it ranges from $30,000 to $160,000. My jaw dropped. Our plan was to spend no more than $10,000 on the land. I am finding myself feeling very discouraged today, especially after my hubby's usual lunch call to me, where he sounds so sad and tired. My heart wanted to tell him to come home and we are moving today to our little house with just the basics. Unfortunately my mind knows that we don't even have the money for a u-haul! Anything worth having is worth working for and God knows the best timing and if I could just shake off this human emotion of discouragement I could continue to enjoy my day in the knowledge it will all be ok.

Originally in my dream of a tiny house, we could live anywhere. Nothing really ties us down here until now. My daughter is adjusting very well to her school, friendships are being established and a routine is now in place. The thought of moving my family from here.....hurts.....I didn't think it would. I'm always game for adventure and I look at moving as a very exciting adventure. Why do I want to jump ahead? Someone told me once to "enjoy the process" as I was rushing to finish the quilt. I wanted the end result and forgot to enjoy the sewing. I need to remember to enjoy each day, cleaning out, planning, and spending time with the ones I love. God will work out the details and the time line. Today my goal is, breathe, love, and thank God that I am here!

off to continue working on my kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are feeling discouraged. You should feel very proud of what you are already accomplishing :) HUGS!! It will happen in His time.
